Ph.D., Economics, University of Missouri-Columbia (2019)
M.A., Economics, SungKyunKwan University, Korea (2012)
B.S., Economics, SungKyunKwan University, Korea (2010)
전북대학교(Jeonbuk National University, Assistant Professor) 2021. 3. ∼
자본시장연구원(Korea Capital Market Institute, 연구위원) 2019. 7. ∼ 2021. 2.
한국기업데이터(Korea Enterprise Data) 2013. 4. ∼ 2014. 7.
"Real Estate Uncertainty and Financial Conditions over the Business Cycle," with I. Baek, L. Jia, International Review of Economics & Finance, forthcoming
"Does Income Inequality Move Together Across the World?," with J. Ahn, I. Baek, Applied Economics Letters, forthcoming.
"The effect of bad debt adjustment on repayment: Evidence from KR&C's dataset in South Korea," with N. Kim, Korean Economic Review 38(3), 2022,509-539.
"What are the driving forces of the economic downturn in Korea during COVID-19?" with I. Baek, Korean Economic Review, 38(2), 2022, 285-322.
"Does Home Equity Liquidation Reduce the Poverty Rate of Older Adults?: Evidence from South Korea?" with I. Baek, K.Choi, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice, 2022.
"The Cost of Overconfidence in Public Information," with S.Hwang, Y.Cho, International Review of Financial Analysis, 79, 2022, 101991.
"Posterior Inference on Parameters in a Nonlinear DSGE Model via Gaussian-Based Filters," Computational Economics, 56, 2020, 795-841.
(Written in Korean)
"Sectoral Impacts of Oil Shocks on the Korean Manufacturing Industry," (in Korean) with I.Baek, T.Kim, 에너지경제연구, 22(1), 2023, 291-317.
"The Effect of Comprehensive Real Estate Holding Tax and Property Tax on House Prices Using Search Frequencies," (in Korean) with J.Shin, 국토연구, 110, 2021, 81-93.
"Housing Price Synchronization by National and Regional Factors," (in Korean) with I.Baek, 경제학연구, 68(2), 2020, 5-35.
"The Effects of Oil Price Uncertainty on Korean Economic Variables," (in Korean) with N.Kim, 국제경제연구, 25(1), 2019, 1-38.
"The Role of Capital Markets to Enhance Allocative Efficiency of Korean Corporate Sector" (in Korean) with Y.Park, S.Lee, KCMI Research paper, No.21-02, February 2021.
"한국 가계소비 둔화 요인에 대한 논의 및 시사점" (in Korean), KCMI Issue paper, No.21-02, January 2021.
"국내외 요인의 국내 주식시장에 대한 영향도 분석" (in Korean) with G.Jang, KCMI Issue paper, No.20-26, October 2020.
"Excessive Arbitrage Trading through Overconfidence," with S.Hwang, M.Hwang
"The Price Impact of Deposit in Residential Lease Contracts: The Collapse of Chonsei System in Korea," with S.Hwang, J.Shin
IMF(Project Officer): 2019. 4. ∼ 2019. 6.
한국은행 전북본부 자문교수: 2023. 2. ∼
Referee for Journal of Banking & Finance, Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control, Computational Economics, Real Estate Economics, Korean Economic Review, Korea and the World Economy, Finance Research Letters, 경제학연구