Ph.D. in Economics – University of California Riverside
B.A. in Economics – Hanyang University
Working Papers
1. “Global Supply Chain Pressure, Uncertainty, and Prices,”, with Qian Li and Sanha Noh. 2023.
2. “Loan-to-Value Ratio and Uncertainty,” Sanha Noh, 2023. R&R at Finance Research Letters.
3. “Financial Frictions, Monetary Policy, and the Term Premium,” with Sungjun Huh, 2021. R&R at Macroeconomic Dynamics.
1. “Real Estate and Relative Risk Aversion with Generalized Recursive Preferences,” with Sungjun Huh, Journal of Macroeconomics, 2021, vol. 68. download appendix
2. “Incomplete Price Adjustment and Inflation Persistence,” with Marcelle Chauvet, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, 2021, vol. 53(6). (Formerly circulated as "Microfoundations of Inflation Persistence in the New Keynesian Phillips Curve") download
3. “Growth Forecast Revisions over Business Cycles: Evidence from the Survey of Professional Forecasters,” with Sungjun Huh, Economics Letters, 2020, vol 196. download
4. “Inattentive Agents and Inflation Forecast Error Dynamics: A Bayesian DSGE Approach,” with Young Se Kim, Journal of Macroeconomics, 2019, vol. 62. download
5. “Evaluation of the New Keynesian Phillips Curve: Evidence from the Euro Area and United States,” Applied Economics Letters, 2018, vol. 25. download
6. “Assessment of Hybrid Phillips Curve Specifications,” with Marcelle Chauvet and Joonyoung Hur, Economics Letters, 2017, vol. 156. download
7. “Inattentive Agents and Disagreement about Economic Activity,” with Joonyoung Hur, Economic Modelling, 2017, vol. 63. download
8. “Information Rigidities in Survey Data: Evidence from Dispersions in Forecasts and Forecast Revisions,” with Joonyoung Hur, Economics Letters, 2016, vol. 142. download
9. “Trend Inflation, Firm’s Backward-looking Behavior, and Inflation Gap Persistence,” with Myung-Soo Yie, Economic Modelling, 2016, vol. 58. download
10. “Unemployment and Optimal Monetary Policy,” with Myung-Soo Yie, Journal of Money and Finance, 2015, vol. 29(3). (in Korean)