이상봉 사진
조교수 / 이학박사 / 전북대학교
지질학, 화성암석학, 변성암석학



- 화성암석학

- 변성암석학

- 극지 지질 연구

- 조산운동 및 고지리 연구


2011.3.~2016.8. 전북대학교 지구환경과학과 (이학박사)

고려대학교 지구환경과학과 (이학석사)

1997.3.~2005.2. 경희대학교 지리학과[부전공: 물리학] (이학사)

● 수상경력

2020.12. 극지연구소 기여상

한국암석학회 선암학술상

● 연구실적

Kim, D., Yi, S.-B.*, Kim, H., Kim, T., Kim, T., Lee, J.I. (2021) Geochemistry and geochronology of early Paleozoic intrusive rocks in the Terra Nova Bay area, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Minerals, 11(7), 787.

Yi, S.-B., Lee, M.J.*, Park, S.H., Nagao, K., Han, S., Yang, Y.S., Choi, H., Baek, J., Sumino, H. (2021) Alkalic to tholeiitic magmatism near a mid-ocean ridge: petrogenesis of the KR1 Seamount Trail adjacent to the AustralianAntarctic Ridge. International Geology Review, 63(10), 1215-1235.

Yi, S.-B.*, Lee, M.J., Lee, J.I., Kim, H. (2020) Timing and metamorphic evolution of the Ross Orogeny in and around the Mountaineer Range, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Minerals, 10(10), 908.

이상봉, 오창환, 최선규*, 서지은 (2019) 경기육괴 서부 당진지역의 중생대 화성활동에 대한 연구. 암석학회지, 28(2), 85-109.

Yi, S.-B., Lee, M.J.*, Park, S.H., Han, S., Yang, Y.S., Choi, H. (2019) Occurrence of ice-rafted erratics and the petrology of the KR1 seamount trail from the AustralianAntarctic Ridge. International Geology Review, 61(12), 1429-1445.

Oh, C.W., Lee, B.C.*, Yi, S.-B., Ryu, H.I. (2019) Correlation of Paleoproterozoic igneous and metamorphic events of the Korean Peninsula and China; Its implication to the tectonics of Northeast Asia. Precambrian Research, 326, 344-362.

Yi, S.-B., Oh, C.W.*, Lee, S.-Y., Choi, S.-G., Kim, T., Yi, K. (2016) Triassic mafic and intermediate magmatism associated with continental collision between the North and South China Cratons in the Korean Peninsula. Lithos, 246, 149-164.

Oh, C.W., Imayama, T.*, Lee, S.Y., Yi, S.-B., Yi, K., Lee, B.C. (2015) Permo-Triassic and Paleoproterozoic metamorphism related to continental collision in Yangpyeong, South Korea. Lithos, 216, 264-284.

Yi, S.-B., Oh, C.W.*, Pak, S.J., Kim, J., Moon, J.-W. (2014) Geochemistry and petrogenesis of mafic-ultramafic rocks from the Central Indian Ridge, latitude 8°17°S: denudation of mantle harzburgites and gabbroic rocks and compositional variation of basalts. International Geology Review, 56(14), 1691-1719.

Oh, C.W., Imayama, T.*, Yi, S.-B., Kim, T., Ryu, I.-C., Jeon, J., Yi, K. (2014) Middle Paleozoic metamorphism in the Hongseong area, South Korea, and tectonic significance for Paleozoic orogeny in northeast Asia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 95, 203-216.

오창환*, 이병춘, 이상봉, Zhang, C.L. (2014) 친링 충돌대의 트라이아스기 충돌 후 화성작용에 대한 리뷰. 암석학회지, 23(4), 293-309.