Hyoung Eun Chang 사진
Hyoung Eun Chang
Nursing Management


(08/2017-03/2013) PhD, Seoul National University, Nursing Management.
(08/2011-03/2006) MPH, Seoul National University, Health Policy and Management.
(02/1999-03/1994) BSN, Korea University, Nursing.


(2018-2022) Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, Konyang University.
(2017-2018) Lecturer, College of Nursing, Kangwon National University.
(2017) Lecturer, Department of Nursing, Kunkuk University.
(2016-2017) Lecturer, College of Nursing, Seoul National University.
(2010-2013) Administrative Nurse, Quality Improvement Team, Korea University Medical Center.
(2002-2010) Medical Insurance Review Nurse, Insurance and Reimbursement Review Team, Korea University Medical Center.
(1999-2002) RN, Surgical Unit, Korea University Medical Center.

Research interest, Research areas

· Develop educational programs for nurses and nursing students to improve patient safety competence
· Nursing outcomes related to nurse staffing
· Measurement of unstable nursing work environment
· Nurse’s health related to patient safety
· Quality of nursing care

Recent Publications

Chang, H.E., Jang, H., Bak, Y.I. (2021). Clinical Nurses’ Recovery Experiences after Adverse Events in South Korea: A Qualitative Study. Collegian. (in press).
Chang, H.E., Jeong, S. (2021). Male Nurses’ Experiences of Workplace Gender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in South Korea: A Qualitative Study. Asian Nursing Research, 15(5), 303-309.
Jang, H., Chang, H.E.* (2021). Effects of Work Environment and Nursing Organizational Culture on Tertiary Hospital Nurses’ Turnover Intention. Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing, 14(1), 14-27.
Chang, H.E., Cho, S.H. (2021). The Influence of Social Support on the Relationship between Emotional Demands and Health of Hospital Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Study. Healthcare, 9(2), 115.
Lee, H., Chang, H.E.†, Ha, J. (2020). Nurses’ Clinical Work Experience during Pregnancy. Healthcare, 9(1), 16.
Chang, H.E., Park, M.Y., Jang, H., Ahn, S., Yoon, H.J. (2019). Relationships among Demands at Work, Aggression, and Verbal Abuse among Registered Nurses in South Korea. Nursing Outlook, 67(5), 567-577.
Cho, S.H., Mark, B.A., Knafl, G., Chang, H.E., Yoon, H.J. (2017). Relationships Between Nurse Staffing and Patients’ Experiences,
and the Mediating Effects of Missed Nursing Care. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 49(3), 347-355.

† Co-first author
* Corresponding author