The Objectives of the Department of Animal Sciences
The Department of Animal Sciences educates students to become professionals who will guide the future animal industry through scientific and systematic instruction in the fields of animal biotechnology, animal production, dairy industry, farm management, genetics, meat processing, nutrition, reproduction and other related fields. The animal sciences department provides basic knowledge and practical training on animal breeding, improvement in animal performance, grassland management, nutrition, reproduction, and processing technologies for meat, dairy and eggs. Aside from the study of domestic animals including cattle, pig and poultry, the animal science department is also offering various courses in animal welfare, special animals, pet animals and horses. We provide special instruction in the fields of functional foods, HACCP, diseases and environments. The students can obtain hands-on experiences at the university animal farm and at the meat processing plant with research facilities. The processing plant, the CBNU Ham, is located on campus next to the department and produces specialty ham and supplies them to Hammy Yummy, a restaurant on campus. Both of which are university enterprises.
Jobs, Works and Fields after Graduation
Students who graduate from the Department of Animal Sciences find jobs in various fields including, but are not limited to, the private sector, central and local government, and university or other research fields. In the private sector, the graduates find jobs in the feed company, meat and dairy processing company. After passing the examinations, they also work at the central and local government offices either in the administrative or in the research areas, meat inspection office, and others find employment in agricultural and animal industry co-operatives. A number of students continue their studies at the graduate school in the department. Graduate students are usually supported by funds either from the Chonbuk National University, “Global Leaders for White Food of Animal Resources(GLARS)” team, and/or through faculty grants.
Excellence and Distinction
The Department of Animal Sciences was awarded as one of the “Excellent Departments at the Chonbuk National University” in 2013 for their overall achievements. In 2013, “Global Leaders for White Food of Animal Resources(GLARS)” team of the department was selected as the post-BK21 program and this is one of the three programs in the nation among the animal science related departments. The department won the “Excellent Employment Award” at the Chonbuk National University in 2012. Overall, the department is striving to provide outstanding opportunities for the students with education, training, research capabilities, and therefore, future employment.