- Major생명자원소재공학(Bioresource and Biomaterial Technology)
- Tel063-850-0841
- Fax063-850-0834
- Emailyonghoonlee@jbnu.ac.kr
- Lab전북대학교 익산캠퍼스 2공학관 7204호
- 최종학위논문Induction of resistance in watermeion to gummy stem rot caused by Didymella broniae using PGPR strains and elicitor extracted from the pathogen
- 1998. 3. ~ 2001. 2.전북대학교 식물병리 박사
- 1993. 3. ~ 1996. 2.전북대학교 식물병리 석사
- 1987. 3. ~ 1993. 3.전북대학교 농생물학 학사
- 2009. 3.15. ~ 현재전북대 환생대 생명공학부 /전임강사/ 조교수/ 부교수/ 교수
- 2008. 8.14. ~ 2009. 3.15.농진청 연구정책국 연구정책과 /연구사
- 2005.12. 6. ~ 2008. 8.13.농업과학원 식물병리과 /연구사
- 2003. 8. 4. ~ 2005.12. 5.미국 미시간주립대 식물연구소 /방문과학자
- 2001. 8. 1. ~ 2003. 8. 3.농진청 연구개발국 연구기획과 /연구사
- 1993.12. 1. ~ 2001. 7.31.작물과학원 식물환경과 /연구사
- 1992. 7. 1. ~ 1993.11.30.전북농업기술원 작물연구과 /연구사
학회 및 봉사활동
- 2018. 5. ~ 현재병해충위험도평가 심의위원
- 2015. 1. ~ 현재한국식물병리학회 편집위원/식물병명심사위원
- 2012. 5. ~ 2018. 5.농약품목관리 전문위원
- 2012. 1. ~ 현재국립원예특작과학원 겸임연구관/현장명예연구관
- 2011. 1. ~ 현재한국농약과학회 편집위원
- 2010. 6. ~ 2012. 5.농촌진흥청 정부업무평가 자체평가 위원
- 2010. 6. ~ 현재전북대학교부설 식물의학센타 기초진단분과 연구원
- 2007.10. ~ 2009.10.유럽 식물보호학회 회원
- 2005. 5. ~ 현재미국 식물병리학회 회원
- 2001.10. ~ 현재한국 자원식물학회 회원
- 1992. 7. ~ 현재한국식물병리학회 정회원/평의원
Environmentally friendly biological control of plant diseases and microbiome study to increase plant health
Molecular plant-pathogen interactions
- Unveiling virulence factors of bacterial pathogens
- Understanding the role of virulence factors of bacterial pathogens in their interaction with host plants
- Determinants of host specificity and range
- Research on enhancement of disease resistance and signaling network of host plants
Light and microbe and plant interactions
- Understanding the role of light on virulence of pathogens
- Effects of light quality on disease resistance of plants and their interaction with pathogens
- Effects of light on the metabolite production of microorganisms
Research on management of plant diseases
- Research on molecular and physiological characteristics of emerging plant pathogens
- Understanding the ecology of diseases
- Development of diagnosis and management methods
- Elucidation of physiochemical and genetic diversity of plant pathogens
Research papers
- Nagendran, R. and Lee, Y.H. 2019. SrfC of Pseudomonas cichorii JBC1 affects its attachment to the host surface and host tissue infection. Plant Pathol. 68:1099-1108.
- Kakembo, D. and Lee, Y.H. 2019. Analysis of traits for biocontrol performance of Pseudomonas parafulva JBCS1880 against bacterial pustule in soybean plants. Biol. Control. 134:72-81.
- Dutta, S., Wabyona, A., Kakembo, D., and Lee, Y.H. 2019. Complete genome sequencing of Pseudomonas parafulva PpaJBCS1880, a biocontrol and plant growth promoting agent. Kor. J. Microbiol. 55(3):286-288.
- Dutta, S., Woo, E.M., Yu, S.M., Nagendran, R. Yun, B.S., and Lee, Y.H. 2019. Control of anthracnose and gray mold in pepper plants using culture extract of white-rot fungus and active compound schizostatin. Mycobiology 47(1):87-96.
- Dutta, S., Yu, S.M., Nagendran, R., Jeong, S.C., and Lee, Y.H. 2019. Complete genome sequencing of Pseudomonas fluorescens NBC275, a biocontrol agent against fungal pathogens of plants and insects. Kor. J. Microbiol. 55(2):157-159.
- Bhattacharyya, D., Dutta, S., Yu, S.M., Jeong, S.C., and Lee, Y.H. 2018. Taxonomic and functional changes of microbial communities in the rhizosphere of Kimchi cabbage by seed bacterization of Proteus vulgaris JBLS202. Plant Pathol. J. 34:286-296.
- Nagendran, R. and Lee, Y.H. 2018. Effects of green light on the gene expression and virulence of the plant pathogen Pseudomonas cichorii JBC1. Eur. J. Plant. Pathol. 150(1):223-236.
- Kakembo, D., Rajendran, D.K., Lim, M-H., Seo, J.S., and Lee, Y.H. 2017. Evaluation of disease resistance in transgenic soybean varieties transformed with EGF, IGF-1, and TRX gene and possible horizontal gene transfer to plant pathogens. J. Agri. & Life Sci. 48(1):8-14.
- Yu, S.M., Gandhimani Ramkumar, G., and Lee, Y.H. 2017. Detection of Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri A*, Aw and X. fuscans subsp. aurantifolii B, C using PCR and real-time PCR. J. Plant Pathol. 99:461-467.
- Bhattacharyya, D. and Lee, Y.H. 2017. A cocktail of volatile compounds emitted from Alcaligenes faecalisJBCS1294 induces salt tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana by modulating hormonal pathways and ion transporters. J. Plant Physiol. 214:64-73.
- Rajendran, D. K., Park, E., Nagendran, R., Hung, N.B., Cho, B.-K., Kim, K.Y., and Lee, Y.H. 2016. Visual analysis for detection and quantification of Pseudomonas cichorii disease severity in tomato plants. Plant Pathology J. 32:300-310.
- Bhattacharyya, D. and Lee, Y.H. 2016. The bacterial community in the rhizosphere of Kimchi cabbage restructured by volatile compounds emitted from rhizobacterium Proteus vulgaris JBLS202. Appl. Soil Ecol. 105:48-56.
- Hung, N.B., Ramkumar, D., Bhattacharyya, D., and Lee, Y.H. 2016. Elucidation of functional role of flagella in virulence and ecological traits of Pseudomonas cichorii using flagella absence (ΔfliJ) and deficiency (ΔfliI) mutants. Res. Microbiol. 167(4):262-271.
- Yu, S.M. and Lee, Y.H. 2015. Genes involved in nutrient competition by Pseudomonas putida JBC17 to suppress green mold in postharvest satsuma mandarin. J. Basic. Microb. 55(7):898-906.
- Nagendran, R. and Lee, Y.H. 2015. Green and red light reduces the disease severity by Pseudomonas cichorii JBC1 in tomato plants via upregulation of defense-related gene expression. Phytopathology 105(4):412-418.
- Bhattacharyya, D., Garladinne, M., and Lee, Y.H.. 2015. Volatile indole produced by rhizobacterium Proteus vulgaris JBLS202 stimulates growth of Arabidopsis thaliana through auxin, cytokinin, and brassinosteroid pathways. J. Plant Growth. Regul. 34(1):158-168.
- Ramkumar, G., Lee, S.W., Weon, H.Y., Kim, B.Y., and Lee, Y.H. 2015. First report on the whole genome sequence of Pseudomonas cichorii strain JBC1 and comparison with other Pseudomonas species. Plant Pathol. 64(1):63-70.
- Bhattacharyya, D., Yu, S.M. and Lee, Y.H. 2015. Volatile compounds from Alcaligenes faecalis JBCS1294 confer salt tolerance in Arabidopsis thaliana through the auxin and gibberellin pathways and differential modulation of gene expression in root and shoot tissues. Plant Growth Regul 75(1):297-306.
- Hung, N.B., Ramkumar, G., and Lee, Y.H. 2014. An effector gene hopA1 influences on virulence, host specificity, and life styles of Pseudomonas cichorii JBC1. Res. Microbiol. 165(8): 620-629.
- Yu, S.M., Jeong,U.S., Lee, H.K., Baek, S.H., Kwon, S.J., and Lee, Y. H. 2014. Disease occurrence in transgenic rice plant transformed with silbene synthase gene and evaluation of possible horizontal gene transfer to plant pathogens. Res. Plant Dis. 20:189-195.
- Chae, J.C., Hung, N.B., Yu, S.M., Lee, H.K., and Lee, Y.H. 2014. Diversity of bacteriophages infecting Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae in paddy fields and its potential to control bacterial leaf blight of rice. J. Microbiol. Biotechn. 24:740-747.
- Moon, J.H., Moon, J. M., Lee, Y.H., and Lee, J. J. 2013. Influence of transgenic rice plant transformed with silbene synthase gene on insect fauna and biosafety evaluation on biological indicators. J. Agri. & Life Sci. 44:11-19.
- Yu, S.M., Lee, H.K., Jeong, U.S., Baek, S.H., Noh, T.H., Kweon, S.J., and Lee, Y.H. 2013. Inhibitory effects of resveratrol and piceid against pathogens of rice plant, and disease resistance assay of transgenic rice plant transformed with silbene synthase gene. Res. Plant Dis. 19:177-182.
- Ramkumar, G., Yu, S.M., and Lee, Y.H. 2013. Influence of light qualities on antifungal lipopeptide synthesis in Bacillus amyloliquefaciens JBC36. Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 127:243-248.
- Yu, S.M. and Lee, Y.H. 2013. Plant growth promoting rhizobacterium Proteus vulgaris JBLS202 stimulates the seedling growth of Chinese cabbage through indole emission. Plant and Soil 370:485-495
- Yu, S.M., Ramkumar, G., and Lee, Y.H. 2013. Light quality influences the virulence and physiological responses of Colletotrichum acutatum causing anthracnose in pepper plants. J. Appl. Microbiol. 115:509-516.
- Yu S.M. and Lee, Y.H. 2013. Effect of light quality on Bacillus amyloliquefaciens JBC36 and its biocontrol efficacy. Biol. Control. 64(3):203-210.
- Yu S.M., Oh, B.T., and Lee, Y.H. 2012. Biocontrol of green and blue molds in postharvest satsuma mandarin using Bacillus amyloliquefaciens JBC36. Biocontrol. Sci. Techn. 22(10):1181-1197.
- Yu S.M., Lee, S.W., Lee, S., Park, E., and Lee, Y.H. 2012. Detection of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. aurantifolii and X. a. pv. citrumelo by triplex PCR. Res. Plant Dis. 18(2):129-132.
- Yu S.M. and Lee, Y.H. 2012. First Report of Pseudomonas cichorii associated with Leaf spot on soybean in South Korea. Plant Dis. 96(1):142.
- Yu, S.M., Noh, T.H., Kim, D.M., Jeon, T.W., Lee, Y.K., Lee, S.W., You, O.J., Kim B.S., and Lee, Y.H. 2011. Ecological characteristics of bacteriophages infecting Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and their use as biocontrol agents. Res. Plant Dis. 17(1):90-94.
- Kamala-Kannan, S., Han, S.S., Lee, K.J., Velmurugan, P., Lee, Y.H., Chae, J.C., Lee, J.Y., and Oh, B.T. 2011. Association of Elm Yellows Subgroup 16SrV-B Phytoplasma with a disease of Hovenia dulcis. J. Phytopathology 159:171–174.
- Yu, S.M., Kim, Y.K., Nam, H., Lee, Y.K., Lee, S., Lee, K.J., and Lee, Y.H. 2010. Suppression of green and blue mold in postharvest mandarin fruit by treatment of Pantoea agglomerans 59-4 and putative mode of action. Plant Pathol. J. 26(4):353-359.
- Velmurugan, P., Lee, Y.H., Nanthakumar, K., Kamala-Kannan, S., Dufossé, L., Mapari, S.A.S., and Oh, B.T. 2010. Water-soluble red pigments from Isaria farinosa and structural characterization of the main colored component. J. Basic Microbiol. 50:581-590.
- Kim, K.W., Lee, I.J., Hyun, J.W., Lee, Y.H., and Park, E.W. 2010. Different profiles of the negatively stained citrus canker bacterium Xanthomonas citri pv. citri depending on culture media and heavy metal stains. Plant Pathol. J. 26(1):50-53.
- P. Velmurugan, Lee, Y.H., Venil, C.K., Lakshmanaperumalsamy, P., Chae, J.C., and Oh, B.T. 2010. Effect of light on growth, intracellular and extracellular pigment production by five pigment producing filamentous fungi in synthetic medium. J. Bioscience and Bioengineering 109(4):346-350.
- Kamala-Kannan, S. Lee, K.J., Park, S.M., Chae, J.C., Yun, B.S., Lee, Y.H., Park, Y.J., and Oh, B.T. 2010. Characterization of ACC deaminase gene in Pseudomonas entomophila strain PS-PJH isolated from the rhizosphere soil. J. Basic Microbiol. 50:1-6.
- Kim, B.S., Park, Y.K., Jeong, M.H., Yu, A.S., Lee, Y.H., Yang, Y.J., and Ahn, Y.J. Toxicity of paraquat to Daphnia magna under different exposure conditions. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 12(3):330-336.
- Nam, H.S., Shim, H.S., Yu, S.M., Lee, S.W., Kweon, S.J., Kim, M.K., and Lee, Y.H. 2009. Evaluation of disease resistance of a leaffolder-resistant (Cry1Ac1) rice event and gene transfer to plant pathogens. Res. Plant Dis. 15(3):202-208.
- Lee, I.J., Kim, K. ., Hyun, J.W., Lee, Y.H., and Park, E.W. 2009. Comparative ultrastructure of nonwounded Mexican lime and Yuzu leaves infected with the citrus canker bacterium Xanthomonas citri pv. citri. Microscopy Research and Technique 72:507-516
- Rho, E.J., Lee, S., Lee, Y.H., Ra, D.S., Choi, J.H., Moon, E.P., and Heu, S. 2009. Diverse antibacterial activity of Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum isolated in Korea. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 19(1):42-50.
- Yu, O.J., Jin, Y.D., Hwang, S.G., Lee, Y.H., Lim, Y.B., Kim, J.B., Kweon, O.K., Kyung, K.S., and Kim, J.E. 2009. Safety assesment of pesticides treated on garlic to control black rot during the storage. Korean J. Pesticide Sci. 13(3):148-158.
- Lee, Y.H., Lee, S., Lee, D.H., Lee, J.H., Lee, S. Hyun, J.W., Ra, D.S., and Park, E.W. 2008. Difference of physiochemical characteristics between citrus bacterial canker pathotypes and identification of Korean isolates with repetitive sequence PCRs. Plant Pathol. J. 24(4):423-442.
- Lee, S., Lee, J.H., Lee, D.H., and Lee, Y.H. 2008. Diversity fo PthA gene of Xanthomonas strains causing citrus bacterial canker and its relationship with virulence. Plant Pathol. J. 24(3): 357-360.
- Kim, B.S., Park, Y.K., Lee, Y.H., Jeong, M.H., Yu, A.S., Yang, Y.J., Kim, J.B., Kweon, O.K., and Ahn Y.J. 2008. Honeybee acute and residual toxicity of pesticide registered for strawberry. Korean J. Pesticide Sci. 12(3): 229-235.
- Lee, Y.H., Lee, S., Lee, D.H., Ji, S.H., Chang, H.Y., Heu, S. Hyun, J.W., Ra, D.S., and Park, E.W. 2008. Differentiation of citrus bacterial canker strains in Korea by host range, rep-PCR fingerprinting and 16S rDNA analysis. Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 121(1):97-102.
- Yu, O.J., Lee, Y.H., Jin, Y.D., Kim, J.B., Heang, S.G., Han S.H., and Kim. J.E. 2007. Antifungal activity of pesticides to control dry rot and blue mold during garlic storage. Korean J. of Pesticide Sci.. 11(4): 331-338.
- Nomura, K., DebRoy, S., Lee, Y.H., Pumplin, Jones, N.J., and He, S.Y. 2006. A bacterial virulence protein suppresses host innate immunity to cause plant disease. Science 313(5784): 220-223
- Lee, Y.H., Kolade, O.O., Nomura, K., Arvidson, D.N., and He S.Y. 2005. Use of dominant-negative hrpA mutants to dissect hrp pilus assembly and type III secretion in Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato. J. Biol. Chem. 280(22):21409-21417.
- Lee, W.H., Lee, K.J. and Lee, Y.H. 2002. Distribution, Host range and disease incidence of smut fungi in Korea, Japan, and China. Research in Plant Disease 8(1): 34-40.
- Lee, K.J., Park, J.C., Lee, Y.H., Lee, D.K. Choi, M.K., and Lee, W.H. 2002. Sequence analysis of the 3'-terminal regions of RNA 1 of Korea isolates of barley yellow mosaic virus. Bulletin of the Agri. College, Chonbuk Nat'l Univ. 33:130-135.
- Lee, Y.H., Lee, W.H., Lee, D.K., and Shim, H.K. 2001. Factors relating to ISR in watermelon by plant growth-promoting Pseudomonas spp. Plant Pathol. J. 17(3):174-179.
- Lee, W.H., Lee, Y.H., and Lee, D.K. 2001. Effect of sterols on mycelial growth and oospore production of Phytophthora infestans and oospore formation on detached Plants. Kor. J. Plant Res. 14(1):8-14.
- Lee, Y.H., Lee, W.H., Shim, H.K., and Lee, D.K. 2000. Induction of systemic resistance in watermelon to gummy stem rot by plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria. Plant Pathol. J. 16(6): 312-317.
- Lee, D.K., Shim, J.S., Shim, H.K., Lee, Y.H., and Park, H.K. 1999. Incubational characteristics of Bacillus polymixa 'HB26-5' antagonistic to ginger rhizome rot and its formulations. Korean J. Plant Res. 12:289-286.
- Lee, D.K., Shim, J.S., Shim, H.K., Lee, Y.H., and Lee, W.H. 1999. Isolation and identification of antagonistic bacteria for biological control of ginger rhizome rot caused by Pythium zingiberum. Plant resources. 2:81-87.
- Lee, Y.H., Lee, D.K., Choi, J.S., Shim, H.K., and Lee, W.H. 1998. Distribution of Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei races in Chonnam and Chonbuk provinces of Korea and varietal resistance of barley to powdery mildew. RDA. J. Crop. Protec. 40: 18-24.
- Kim, J.H., Lee, Y.H., and Lee, W.H.. 1998. Anthracnose of peanut caused by Colletotrichum gleosporiodes. Korean J. Plant Pathology 14(6):614-617.
- Lee, Y.H., Lee, W.H., and Lee, D.K. 1998. Screening for resistance of garlic cultivars to white rot caused by Sclerotium cepivorum. Korean J. Plant Pathology 14(6): 594-597.
- Lee, Y.H., Lee, D.K., and Lee, W.H. 1997. Effect of water potential on mycelial growth and production of sclerotia of Sclerotium cepivorum. Korean J. Plant Pathology 13(4): 200-204.
- Shim, J.S., Lee, D.K., Shim, H.K., Lee, Y.H., and Lee, W.H. 1997. Resistance of varieties bred by crossing with Asominori to bacterial leaf blight. Korean J. Plant Res. 10(2): 128-134.
- Lee, Y.H., Lee, W.H., Lee, D.K., and Shim, H.K. 1997. Variation in metalaxyl and streptomycin sulfate resistance of isolates formed from single sporangium of Phytiphthora infestans. Korean J. Environmental Agriculture 16(3): 212-216.
연구실 구성원
Current members
Swarnalee Dutta | Postdoctoral fellow | PGPR and plant microbiome |
Rajalingam Nagendran | PhD student/ Postdoctoral fellow | Molecular Plant & Pathogen interaction |
David Kakembo | MSc student | Biological control |
Wabyona Alex | MSc student | Molecular Plant & Pathogen interaction |
Old members
Nguyen Bao Hung | PhD student | Plant & Pathogen interaction |
Dhinesh Kumar Rajendran | PhD student | Plant phenomics |
Bhattacharyya Dipto | Postdoctoral fellow | PGPR & microbiome |
Sang-Mi Yu | PhD student | Biological control and light |
Gandhimani Ramkumar | Postdoctoral fellow | Plant & Pathogen interaction |
Garladinne Mallikarjuna | Postdoctoral fellow | Plant & Microbe interaction |
Ha Kyoung Lee | MSc student | |
Eui Sun Jeong | MSc student | |
Jin Jeong Lee | MSc student |