Chonbuk National University established in 1948 for the purpose of not only fulfilling the national education ideology such as humanitarianism', independent living ability, 'living like a human being' and 'development of a democratic country and fulfillment of coprosperity' but accomplishing the higher education objectives such as character training, academic teaching and research' and contribution for the country and human society.' Chonbuk National University set the concept of talent as 'the educated who have the virtues of a democratic citizen', 'intellectuals who bring about liberty and justice', 'creative professionals who pursue the truth', the cultured men who seek to inherit tradition and to globalize local community and cosmopolitans who contribute to the national and human prosperity so that it has contributed to the achievement of both national education ideology and higher education objectives. Moreover, College of Commerce has taken the lead in fulfillment of its concept of talent since established in 1951. Division of Business Administration and its graduate school have contributed to the achievement of the purpose of establishing university by setting their own vision.
In order to accomplish their vision, Division of Business Administration and its graduate school set a mission as training talented individuals with creative and ethical management skills and nurturing research manpower who lead national and social development.' Below is the concept of talent for Division of Business Administration,