fnctId=jbnuProfl,fnctNo=300 게시물 검색 이름 Major POSITION Tel Homepage Office 인물소개 리스트 NakIl Choi Major International Economy POSITION Professor Tel 270-3020 이메일 nakil@jbnu.ac.kr Homepage Office Building 3 of College of Commerce 409 홈페이지 바로가기 자세히보기 JiYoung Jeong Major International Finance & World Commercial Policy POSITION Professor Tel 270-3021 이메일 j3021@jbnu.ac.kr Homepage Office Building 3 of College of Commerce 324 홈페이지 바로가기 자세히보기 BaekRyeol Choi Major International Direct Investment, Multinational Corporations POSITION Professor Tel 270-3014 이메일 brchoi@jbnu.ac.kr Homepage http://home.chonbuk.ac.kr/brchoi Office Building 3 of College of Commerce 322 홈페이지 바로가기 자세히보기 MinHo Kim Major International Management, Foreign futures & Options POSITION Professor Tel 270-3049 이메일 kmh@jbnu.ac.kr Homepage http://www.cyworld.com/tradestory Office Building 3 of College of Commerce 309 홈페이지 바로가기 자세히보기 HyunSoo Ha Major International Trade Payment, Foreign Trade Administration POSITION Professor Tel 270-3015 이메일 hhsoo4444@jbnu.ac.kr Homepage Office Building 3 of College of Commerce 111 홈페이지 바로가기 자세히보기 YongJae Choi Major International Economy POSITION Professor Tel 270-3017 이메일 yjchoi06@jbnu.ac.kr Homepage Office Building 3 of College of Commerce 216 홈페이지 바로가기 자세히보기 NamSuk Choi Major International trade and investment, multinational corporations, Trade policy and economic development POSITION Associate Professor Tel 270-3018 이메일 namsuk.choi@jbnu.ac.kr Homepage Office Building 3 of College of Commerce 214 홈페이지 바로가기 자세히보기 EunOk Park Major Contract and commercial arbitration POSITION Associate Professor Tel 270-4390 이메일 juliejuly@jbnu.ac.kr Homepage Office Building 3 of College of Commerce 408 홈페이지 바로가기 자세히보기 UnJung Whang Major International trade theory and industrial organization theory POSITION Associate Professor Tel 270-3019 이메일 uwhang2@gmail.com Homepage http://sites.google.com/site/unjungwhang Office Building 3 of College of Commerce 410 홈페이지 바로가기 자세히보기 KyoungSuk Choi Major International logistics, transportation, and insurance POSITION Associate Professor Tel 270-3024 이메일 koyaku@jbnu.ac.kr Homepage https://jingshuchoi.wixsite.com/website Office 홈페이지 바로가기 자세히보기 BangWool Han Major International management and export marketing POSITION Associate Professor Tel 270-3925 이메일 bellehan@jbnu.ac.kr Homepage https://sites.google.com/jbnu.ac.kr/bellehan/%ED%99%88 Office Building 3 of College of Commerce 407 홈페이지 바로가기 자세히보기 JunHo Seok Major International Trade and Development, Trade Policy POSITION Associate Professor Tel 270-3022 이메일 junhoseok@jbnu.ac.kr Homepage Office Building 3 of College of Commerce 317 홈페이지 바로가기 자세히보기 YoungMin Kim Major International finance, econometrics POSITION Associate Professor Tel 270-4301 이메일 kimym@jbnu.ac.kr Homepage https://kimymecon.weebly.com Office Building 3 of College of Commerce 411 홈페이지 바로가기 자세히보기 HanEol Ryu Major International Trade & World Commercial Policy POSITION Assistant Professor Tel 270-3871 이메일 heryu@jbnu.ac.kr Homepage Office Building 3 of College of Commerce 116 홈페이지 바로가기 자세히보기 Lee Yoon Major International trade payment, cross-border e-commerce POSITION Assistant Professor Tel 270-3016 이메일 yoon83lee@jbnu.ac.kr Homepage Office Building 3 of College of Commerce 112 홈페이지 바로가기 자세히보기 Kyung Hwan Yun Major International Business, Strategic Management POSITION Assistant Professor Tel 270-3020 이메일 kyun@jbnu.ac.kr Homepage Office 홈페이지 바로가기 자세히보기