Goals of trade education certification
The main purpose of trade education certification is to 'valuate qualities of trade education systematic and announce societies all the results of the evaluation to be conceded from our society.’ So on the article 2 in the articles of association it says "presents standards and guidelines of programs for education of trade relevant industry. From these, domestic and international valuations have been conducted for the progress of trade education and contribute to cultivate trade professionals".
Thus, the aims of trade education certification is to cultivate trade talents by developing personality education and professional education those are upon pragmatism, rationalism, cosmopolitanism of trade education.
Followings are the detail purposes of trade education certification system.
- Improve practicality and potential promotion on the science of commerce and trade:
Enhance practicality and potential promotion of each university and division of commerce and trade. So then, student's learning performances will be improved. - Improve cosmopolitanism of trade education:
Promote science of commerce and trade of each university to make academic ground domestically and further internationally. - Improve duties of trade education:
Present problems and solutions of the science of commerce and trade which is in each university to enhance their social duties and public confidences of their trade education. - Boost the management autonomy of trade education:
For development of trade education of each university, make professors cooperate and participate in the valuations and boost self-regulating capability for academic managements. - Enhance academic sub-majors of the science of commerce and trade and other majors cooperate with one another:
Improve the recognition of necessity of building up faith and cooperation between sub-majors of the science of commerce and trade and other majors to develop joint reaction and academic connectivity to solve problems. - Enhance personality education:
Make students of each university and every academic division develop the whole-man basic knowledge and accent them to have responsibilities as one of citizens of the world who are moral. Also make them improve their personalities living with all mankind. - Expand university budget supports to realize progress plans and specialization:
Make each university check their educational environments themselves and expand the investments for their necessities those are according to the progress plans and specializations. And lead the government and the relevant industries to support those universities financially.
Purposes of institution certification
- Certification for trade educational institution is to valuate universities or relevant educational institutions those who are performing trade education whether or not they are giving students systematic and standardized education in this rapidly changing world trade environment. And provide consultations for those educational institutions to develop their academics applicable.
- Certification for trade educational institution certificates trade educational environment of the relevant education organizations(college, school divisions, or other majors) which are under each university's control. It valuates educational purposes, progress plans, educational contents, educational abilities, educational environments, backing systems, and educational performances.
- This certification is focusing on building developmental aspects of trade educational environment and performance results from it. Students who graduate from those institutions should be able to prove that they were educated under the proper educational ground with correct educational methods. Thus, this certification has some points of similarities with valuation that had been conducted by the Korean Council for University Education.
- This owns a character of institution valuation, so the duration is 5 years since it bases on the assumption that the relevant trade educational ground lasts for a certain period of time.
Purposes of program certification
- Program certification for trade education valuates and certificates certain programs those educate students developing foreign markets, customs, distribution, foreign exchange, electronic trade, wartime economy, e-business and other specialized area. So it makes students develop abilities which the industry ask them to have when they are in the real business spots after they graduate from institutions.
- This is to certificate curriculums for cultivating trade people who are able to handle businesses that the industry and current society need. And students who took the relevant certificated programs should be able to prove that they are fully ready for getting to work.
- Programs for trade education can be developed in various shapes according to each university's specialties. There is no fixed type but programs should be consisted of advanced learning and intensive job training courses which reflect the nature of trade relevant occupations. Committee for judging and certificating trade education will perform document valuation and visit valuations to consider whether the programs are suitable for current educational standards.
- This is what students prove their ability that they are completely ready for getting into real work. So, fulfilling the mandatory performance index which the industry requires is compulsory. According to each program, participants' abilities achievement of the performance index can be differentiated. So not everyone who just attended programs can get complete certification. Also if individuals don't meet their own performances cannot get certifications. Mandatory performance index can be differentiated according to the programs.
- For the development of program certification of trade education, after the application for certification is submitted the board should give each universities enough chance and times for them to revise their programs and get valuations.
- Cultivation of talents that fulfill the needs of industry are mandatory, so program certification must check program managements and students' performance achievements every year, but the duration has to be 2 years.
Purposes of individual certification
This valuates and certificates someone who wants to work in the trade related businesses that they can adjust to rapidly changing global trade environment and have proper knowledges and work abilities which meet international and informational levels. So with trade relevant jobs as the center, types of individual certification can be differentiated.
Purposes of trade educator
This valuates and certificates educators who are in charge of theory and real business in trade relevant area of their educational ability, experiences, expertise. Same as individual certification, with trade relevant jobs as the center, types of trade educator certification can be differentiated.