Process of trade education certification
- Following is the general process of the certification valuation.
- Process of trade education certification
Step 1 : Select the university for the valuation certification
- The board of certification announces each university to enforcement plans of the trade education certification.
- Each university submits application for certification to the board, and the board confirms which university to perform certification and let them know.
Step 2 : Conduct self-valuation of each university
- Among selected universities, those who want to get certification of that year should organize planning committee for self-valuation and committee for self-valuation according to the guidelines of valuation manual made by the board. (Please see "2. Process of self valuation" in the "Ⅱ. Self valuation Guidelines" for further information of two committees)
- Committee for self valuation performs self valuation according to the valuation manual and valuation standards and then make self-valuation reports and references.
- Planning committee for self-valuation deliberates self-valuation reports and then get authorization from the chancellor and submit it to the executive office of the board.
Step 3 : Document valuation
- Certification team organizes deliberation team(paper team, and visitor team) right after the self-valuation reports are received.
- Deliberation teams (document team and visitor team) look through the self-valuation reports from the university and valuate its clarity and completion. And decide approval, supplementation and modification requires or pending approval within one month and notice the universities.
- If there is no defects after the document valuation, set up the visitor valuation schedule and announce it. If there are something to supplement and revise, clarify them and announce the university to supplement and revise and re-turn it within one month. In case of pending, let the university know the reason and make them apply for the next year's certification.
Step 4 : Visitor valuation
- Certification team discuss and set the door-to-door valuation schedule with university and announce it.
- Deliberation team checks through the self-valuation the reports which each of the university submitted and perform the document valuation, then visit the university and carries out the valuation according to the guidelines.
- The team draws up the valuation reports of each university within 2 weeks from the visits and submits those to the certification team.
Step 5 : Certification deliberation and result notification
- Certification team writes down the proposal for the valuation certification of each university according to the valuation results that the deliberation team submitted. And then self-review them and submit them to the certification judgment committee.
- The certification judgment committee deliberates and decides whether the valuation certification results are appropriate.
- Followings are the standards and conditions for each levels of valuation certification.
Certification(5 years validity)
- If total GPA is over 80 and achievements level of overall valuation domains are more than 80%, the certification is effective for 5 years
- From the individual valuation, if one area's achievement level is less than 80%, university should submit memorandum of promise that it will try to meet the year's condition within 2 years, then the trade education judgment committee will decide whether to certificate it or not
- After 2 years of the certification acquisition there will be documentary deliberation whether or not the institution is maintaining the same conditions.
Preliminary certification (validates for 2 years, visitors valuation will be taken again)
If total GPA is over 80, but one of individual valuation is less than 80% (in case of not submitting fulfillment document), visitor valuation team suggests conditions to fulfill before the re-valuation after 2 years of the previous valuation, and pending the visitor valuation for 2 years.
Certification rejection(Reintroduce the self-valuation report)
If total GPA is less than 80, the visitor team asks them to compensate the defects and reintroduces the self-valuation reports within 2 years and pending the document valuation for 2 years.
- The certification board reports the valuation certification results that the committee for trade education resolved to the board of directors. Completes the visitor valuation when the board gives approval. And notices the universities about details and publishes it within one month.
- If the university has any objection to certifications and decision of the certification condition, raise objection to trade education judgment committee with documentations and the committee notices the university about the arbitration results.